August 24th 2014, Qt Creator Options
← August 18th 2014 Qt Creator and Android | ● | August 24th 2014 Android Client →
Qt Creator has very reasonable default settings for real programmers. For example in comparison to MSVC, which indents tabs, but tabs are mind-boggingly defined to be 4 spaces, so that the code looks corrupted on each and every other platfrom, which uses 8 spaces, holy crap.
My favorite Qt Creator settings/features are:
- Tab policy: Spaces only (can’t think of programming multi-platform style without that!!!)
- Tab key auto-indents: Always (nicely mimics emacs style indendation)
- Clean white space: In entire document (reduces “svn diffs” to a minimum)
- Ensure new line at end of file: (to prevent svn warnings)
- Indentation: 3 spaces (my personal favorite, probably accomodated since my first last-century Pascal-style programming excercises)
- Open compilation pane when compiling (always helpful to see what’s going on)
- Open application pane when running (to see when the app has been deployed on an Android device, for example)
- F4 toggles between header/source
- F2 follows the symbol under the cursor
← August 18th 2014 Qt Creator and Android | ● | August 24th 2014 Android Client →