The glVertex library emulates the legacy OpenGL API,
which has been deprecated in OpenGL core profiles.
It tries to bring back the following key concepts of the fixed-function pipeline:
- specification of vertices and attributes in immediate mode fashion
- specification of perspective, modeling and viewing matrices in immediate mode fashion
- matrix stack operations in immediate mode fashion
- control over a subset of fixed-function features like
- blinn-phong lighting
- plain 2D and 3D texturing
- depth testing and back-face culling
- blending and alpha testing
- multiple clip planes
- fragment-based fog
- and polygon mode
This does not imply that rendering performance is compromised using the reenabled legacy OpenGL features. The glVertex library will map the legacy features to the fast paths available in the OpenGL core profile. For example, when specifying vertices in immediate mode, the vertices will be automatically added to a vertex buffer object under the hood. As a welcome side effect, the creation of vertex buffer objects (VBOs) and GLSL shaders is much simplified with the glVertex frame work.
Summing up, the glVertex software aims to be easy to install and use, so that it is ideal for OpenGL beginners, rapid prototyping or teaching purposes. At the same time it is a frame work for efficient OpenGL and OpenGL ES development. Supported platforms are Unix, MacOS X, Windows and Android.

The source code is hosted at
Check it out with the following svn command:
The full API documentation is available in the README:
The Doxygen class documentation is available here:
Here are some screen shots of the demos included in the package: