
August 24th 2014, Android Client

August 24th 2014 Qt Creator Options | | August 24th 2014 Test Run

After getting a simple Qt Android programm running, we try to compile the real one:

  1. svn co http://svn.code.sf.net/p/libpong/code/libpong/pong pong
  2. open the Ping.pro QMake project file with Qt Creator.
  3. In the initial dialog check the Android kit and uncheck all others.
  4. Add a manifest with runnable “Ping” and add “icon.png” as Android program icon.
  5. Switch to “Release” mode (using the selector above the “Run” button on the left side)
  6. Hit the “Run” button.

August 24th 2014 Qt Creator Options | | August 24th 2014 Test Run
