

Useful links:

LEO - DictionaryWikipedia - Rulesheise online - German IT newsticker
Passmark - CPU benchmarkOpenSourceCMS - CMS - Digital Preview
Nachrichten - Nuremberg newspaperSpiegel - Online magazinen-tv online - German newsticker

Open-source tools:

Emacs - Editor MACroSCygwin - GNU + Cygnus + WindowsVLC - Video Lan Client
Firefox - Trash IEPuTTY - Free SSH clientVirtual Box - Free Virtual Machine
Gimp - Free PhotoshopInkscape - Free IllustratorPanoGuide - Panorama tools

Open-source libraries:

CMake - Meta-Make ToolQt - Multi-Platform UI
win32 - POSIX threads for WindowsOpenThreads - OSG Thread Abstraction
ITK - Insight Segmentation and Registration ToolkitOFFIS - Free DICOM library
libcURL - The cURL library 

Physix and Math libraries:

ODE - Open Dynamics EngineBullet - Real-Time Physics Engine
GLM - Math LibrarySourceForge - GLSLmath

Graphix libraries:

OpenGL - Open Graphics LibraryOpenGL - FreeGLUTOSG - OpenSceneGraph
libJPEG - JPEG implementation from IJG, the Independent JPEG GrouplibPNG - Free replacement for GIFnetPBM - Free PNM image standard
ImageMagick - Free image manipulation tool kitCIMG/GREYCstoration - Free image denoising toolSquish - Free DXT compression library
OpenCV - Open Computer Vision libraryPCL - Point Cloud LibraryOpenFrameworks - A framework for creative coding
SourceForge - libMiniSourceForge - $V^3$SourceForge - glVertex
GLFW - An OpenGL LibrarySDL - Simple Direct-Media LayerSFML - Multi-Media Library

Graphix conferences:

Siggraph - Special Interest Group GraphicsEG - EurographicsVis - Main visualization conference
Eurovis - Nice visualization symposium (former VisSym)WSCG - Winter School of Computer Graphics 

Geographic software:

VTP - Virtual Terrain ProjectVTP - The regular VTP mailing listVTP - The *nix VTP mailing list
GDAL - The libc++ of geographical developmentPROJ.4 - Geographic projection librarylibgeotiff - GeoTIFF image library
Shapelib - ESRI shape file libraryTriangle - Delaunay triangulation librarySourceForge - libGrid
Exiv2 - EXIF C++ geo-tagging librarySQLite R*Tree Module - Free Geo-Spatial Data BaseOSM - Open Street Maps

Geographic links:

Map - Open map browserWikimapia - Geographic WikiSpeedtest - Geographical bandwidth test
Slashgeo - Geographical /. cloneGLCF - Global Land Cover FacilitySRTM - Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
Marble - Earth composite collectionSmith&Sandwell - Global bathymetrySoest - Coastal imagery of Hawaii
