
July 20th 2014, Extending the CSV Track Format

July 19th 2014 CSV Track Format | | August 1st 2014 Messaging

The GPS data exported as CSV by Google MyTracks supports 12 properties stored in a 12-column table. Those properties are:

“Segment”, “Point”, “Longitude”, “Latitude”, “Height”, “Heading”, “Accuracy”, “Velocity”, “Time”, “Power”, “Frequency”, “Heartbeat”

Besides the horizontal angle (“Heading”), sometimes the vertical angle is a required property. A text description of a particular track point would be helpful, as well. So we extend the above format by another 2 columns.

To keep the format flexible, a text field for metadata is also added to the table, resulting in a 15-column table. Before the actual track table the general description of the track and the ECEF bounding box for the entire track is stored as a single-row 3-column resp. 8-column table. An example track:

"Name", "Activity", "Description"
"test", "testing", "a test"

"minX", "maxX", "minY", "maxY", "minZ", "maxZ", "minT", "maxT"
"-5559677.618", "4077087.766", "-2023557.165", "796968.7903", "2374412.895", "4855007.138", "2009-07-02T14:34:00", "2014-07-21T11:20:00"

"Segment", "Point", "Longitude", "Latitude", "Height", "Heading", "Accuracy", "Velocity", "Time", "Power", "Frequency", "Heartbeat", "Inclination", "Description", "Metadata"
"1", "1", "22", "-160", "0", "nan", "nan", "nan", "2009-07-02T14:34:00", "nan", "nan", "nan", "nan", "", "Hawai'i"
"1", "2", "49.599333", "11.019389", "0", "nan", "nan", "nan", "2010-08-18T20:00:00", "nan", "nan", "nan", "nan", "", "Erlangen"
"1", "3", "49.891279", "10.87103", "0", "nan", "nan", "nan", "2011-07-02T14:34:00", "nan", "nan", "nan", "nan", "", "Bamberg;Cafe Rehmais"
"1", "4", "49.453368", "11.060426", "0", "nan", "nan", "nan", "2014-07-21T11:20:00", "nan", "nan", "nan", "nan", "", "Nuernberg"

This CSV format is able to support a variety of GPS application scenarios without tinkering further with the format.

July 19th 2014 CSV Track Format | | August 1st 2014 Messaging
