
August 2nd 2014, Qt and Android

August 1st 2014 Messaging | | August 15th 2014 Qt Mobile Development Environment

We are going to get started with Qt on Android with this video:

The above video describes building Qt Quick applications to be run both on Android and iOS. Here is another one:


The Qt Quick approach, the declarative version of the Qt programming model, is limited to using existing Qt classes and libraries. If we want to bring our own C++ libraries, we need to build a native C++ application on Android. This can be done with Qt Creator which supports three deployment options to build native applications:

  • Use Ministro service to install Qt
  • Bundle Qt libs in APK
  • Deploy local Qt libs to temporary directory

The most independent solution is to package a C++ application into a Android APK together with the required Qt libraries and the custom C++ libraries. This is described in BogDan’s (the creator of the Necessitas Qt Android port) blog at KDAB:

The above blog mainly covers 5.2 features. More on the road map of Qt on Android and native Qt applications can be read here:

August 1st 2014 Messaging | | August 15th 2014 Qt Mobile Development Environment
