Programming Example
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In this programming example we are going to put a building on a place on earth.
The place on earth is defined as a local coordinate system at a geo-referenced position. Possible geographic reference systems are Lat/Lon, UTM, Mercator or ECEF. The z-axis of the local coordinate system points upwards and the y-axis points north. The units of the local coordinate system are meters.
The building is modeled in the local coordinate system as a scene graph that contains two simple geometric objects, a cube as the base and a prism as the roof.
The scene graph is constructed from a set of graph nodes as follows:
- derive from Viewer class
- overwrite build_ecef_geometry method to describe the scene as a graph
- construct scene graph to contain a single house in a local coordinate system
- at position Lat/Lon = 49 degrees latitude, 11 degrees longitude
- via appending a coord node to the scene graph
- and define the local scale of the building
- via appending a scale node
- and define the appearance of the building’s components
- via appending color nodes
- and define the proper positions of the components in the local coordinate system
- via adppending translate nodes
- and add the geometry of the house to the scene graph
- via appending cube and prism nodes
- at position Lat/Lon = 49 degrees latitude, 11 degrees longitude
All graph nodes are derived from libMini’s mininode base class.
mininode_group *Renderer::build_ecef_geometry()
// define local coordinate system at Lat/Lon=49/11
mininode *house = new mininode_coord(minicoord(miniv3d(11*3600, 49*3600, 0),
// scale up by a factor of 10000
mininode *scale = house->append_child(new mininode_scale(10000));
// white cube with base size 10x10 and height 5 meters
// origin of the cube is its barycenter
// translate up 2.5 meters
scale->append_child(new mininode_color(miniv3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)))->
append_child(new mininode_translate(miniv3d(0.0, 0.0, 2.5)))->
append_child(new mininode_geometry_cube(10.0, 10.0, 5.0));
// grey prism as roof with base size 10x10
// origin of the prism is the center of its base plane
// translate up 5 meters
scale->append_child(new mininode_color(miniv3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)))->
append_child(new mininode_translate(miniv3d(0.0, 0.0, 5.0)))->
append_child(new mininode_geometry_prism(10.0, 10.0, 2.5));
The house as it looks like in the QTViewer:

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