
MacOS X Hints

MacPorts benutzen (Doku: http://guide.macports.org/#using.port):

Update:  sudo /opt/local/bin/port selfupdate
Suche:   /opt/local/bin/port search [packetname]
Install: sudo /opt/local/bin/port install [packetname]

Brew installieren und benutzen:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mistydemeo/tigerbrew/go/install)"
brew install coreutils # for gtimeout etc.

Unter MacOS X die login shell ändern:

chsh -s /bin/tcsh username

Shared Libs anzeigen:

otool -L binary

Print background colors with Firefox:

File Menu → Print → Firefox Tab → Appearance → Enable Background Color Printing

Put computer to sleep when pressing the power button:

defaults write com.apple.loginwindow PowerButtonSleepsSystem -bool yes
