October 30th 2014, Geo-tagging with libexiv2
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With libexiv2 geo-tagging a JPEG file is easily accomplished.
First, we assume that the actual location is provided by a GPS device as lat, lon and alt. Then we add the respective geo-tags to a JPEG file with a specific path as follows:
#include <exiv2/image.hpp>
// convert double to rational
Exiv2::Rational double2rational(double value, int denom)
return(Exiv2::Rational((int)(value*denom+0.5), denom));
// geo-tag image file
bool geotag(std::string path, double lat, double lon, double alt)
Exiv2::Image::AutoPtr image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(path);
if (image.get())
// load EXIF data from file
Exiv2::ExifData exifData = image->exifData();
// create EXIF GPSAltitude entry
exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitude"] = double2rational(alt, 1000); // mm
exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSAltitudeRef"] = uint8_t(0); // m.a.s.l.
// create EXIF GPSLatitude entry
Exiv2::RationalValue::AutoPtr rvlat(new Exiv2::RationalValue);
rvlat->value_.push_back(double2rational(trunc(lat), 1)); // arcdeg
rvlat->value_.push_back(double2rational((lat-trunc(lat))*60, 10000)); // arcmin
rvlat->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(0, 1)); // arcsec
exifData.add(Exiv2::ExifKey("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitude"), rvlat.get());
exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLatitudeRef"] = "N"; // northing
// create EXIF GPSLongitude entry
Exiv2::RationalValue::AutoPtr rvlon(new Exiv2::RationalValue);
rvlon->value_.push_back(double2rational(trunc(lon), 1)); // arcdeg
rvlon->value_.push_back(double2rational((lon-trunc(lon))*60, 10000)); // arcmin
rvlon->value_.push_back(std::make_pair(0, 1)); // arcsec
exifData.add(Exiv2::ExifKey("Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude"), rvlon.get());
exifData["Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitudeRef"] = "E"; // easting
// save EXIF data to file
Besides adding the GPS EXIF tags GPSAltitude, GPSAltitudeRef, GPSLatitude, GPSLatitudeRef, GPSLongitude and GPSLongitudeRef, as demonstrated above, the optional GPS tags GPSTimeStamp, GPSDateStamp and GPSDOP can be set with libexiv2 in a similar fashion.
Here is the first image geo-tagged with the above code, literally:
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