
RGB combined with Brovey, 15m
Pansharpening / Brovey
← PanSharpening Example | ● | Regression Example →
Pansharpening Method a la Brovey:
- scale RGB up to 15m
- convert RGB to HSV color space
- replace V channel with panchromatic channel
- $V'=Pan$
- convert HSV back to RGB color space

RGB combined with Brovey, 15m
Problem: the panchromatic spectrum from 0.52–0.92$\mu m$ is uncalibrated. This means that it does not only comprise the RGB but also the NIR (near infrared) spectrum → unnatural look.
$Pan = \alpha R + \beta G + \gamma B + \theta NIR + c$
Solution: use linear regression to solve for $\alpha,\beta,\gamma,\theta, c$.
← PanSharpening Example | ● | Regression Example →