
Global SRTM Data


Space Shuttle Topographic Mission (SRTM)

  • Worldwide elevation data at 90 meter resolution.
  • full NASA SRTM mirror: SRTM v4.1 90m
    • The lastest SRTM version 4.1 has holes filled from auxiliary DEMs.
    • It is the SRTM dataset with the highest interpolation quality currently available.
    • It is 18GB of compressed world-wide data.
  • Mission was conducted in Feb 2000.
  • Original data available from NASA/CGIAR-CSI
  • SRTM data is courtesy of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • For more info see the SRTM specs.

Example SRTM data of Germany (contoured with libGrid at 100m spacing):

Germany-North-500m contour
Germany-South-500m contour
